Many experts - beauticians have a very extensive knowledge, but it sometimes can not fully understand the causes of skin problems (and not only) of your customers. And realizing customer problems you can solve them completely, and the patient will receive the excellent effect and the result of your work. And it presented SkinTester device can produce accurate and can even say a detailed diagnosis of the human skin. Then you can explain the cause of his problems and how to resolve it. Also, you will choose the best for each issue specific approaches to treat it. Engineers and developers apparatus FaceandBodyAnalyzer able to achieve impedance connections and the use of ultrasonic waves. FaceandBodyAnalyzer differs feature is thorough testing. SkinTester patented ATCFIS & R. The manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that all the results will be as accurate and reliable. All the results are applied to the tape, and if you want you can bring them to the extensive memory card, and then transfer to your computer. The device determines the amount of moisture in the skin, the level of metabolic processes, and many more, and many indicators of the desired skin health of your customer.