AS-8618-33 multifunction machine
Do you have a desire to buy a good productive equipment in your beauty salon, but you don’t understand what kind of product you re looking for? This section presents an excellent device, which encompasses the entire twelve features. Buying it on our online resource, you are not only buying it for the lowest price in our country. You are buying only approved equipment, as each device in our shop passes certification in Ukraine. But the most important thing is a lot of good and friendly reviews of beauticians from all over the world! This device helps to work hundreds of high quality cosmetologists in our and other countries. So this small beauty combine “AS- 8618 -33” can carry a lot of popular and frequently ordered procedures. The device includes next features: magnifier lamp in 3 D, Wood s lamp, vacuum spray, vacuum roller, darsonval, brush, galvanic, ultrasound scrubber, ultrasound phonophoresis, microdermabrasion. Described device has a presentable look and it will be adorn your cabinet, bringing in it a technological progress. Wearewaitingforyourcallorsuggestions!