CO2 lasers: alternative to surgical rejuvenation

CO2 lasers: alternative to surgical rejuvenation

Modern cosmetology has reached a level where it is possible to get rid of pronounced signs of aging without surgery. Now there are CO2 lasers for this. About what this technology is and why a cosmetologist, dermatologist and gynecologist cannot do without it, read our article.

CO2 lasers: purpose of technology

CO2 lasers are infrared lasers, the action of which is directed at the absorption of radiation by water in the tissues. The beam is directed to the water, causing it to evaporate, after which the dead cells and the space between them simply burn out. Since the skin is exposed to temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius during treatment, deep damage to the epidermis and dermis occurs. This starts the process of denaturation of old collagen fibers and the production of new ones, as a result of which the skin becomes more elastic.

In general, it will be useful for any practice to buy a CO2 laser, since it is intended for both cosmetic and medical procedures. The devices, as presented in the section, are used to treat a wide range of conditions:

pigmentation of various origins and localization;

deep wrinkles and fine lines;

unhealthy texture and complexion;

enlarged pores;

scars, scars, post-acne, stretch marks;

vascular lesions;


sagging skin;

reduced firmness and elasticity of tissues;

benign neoplasms;


nail fungus;

postpartum or stress enuresis;

reduced tone and sensitivity of the walls of the vagina.

Before the procedure, it is important for the doctor to warn the patient that the rehabilitation period is quite long: from several weeks to several months - it all depends on the goals and intensity of the laser settings. But the result is worth it, because it lasts from 2 to 5 years. And to achieve it, usually 1 session is enough, in rare cases 2.

Application Benefits

As you can understand, CO2 laser can be used in various branches of medicine. But its benefits don't end there. The advantages of such equipment are:

A pronounced result can be achieved even with serious age-related changes. That is, laser resurfacing services can be provided to a larger number of patients. And a wide range of applications will keep the equipment up to date, so you can always make a profit.

The impact of the beam, despite such a high power, is extremely precise and will be directed to the treatment area, without damaging the surrounding tissues.

The modern cooling system, which is equipped with each device, prevents it from overheating and, thereby, prolongs its service life.

The doctor has the ability to adjust the intensity of the radiation to deal with various conditions without additional damage.

Depending on the needs, you can purchase both a stationary and a small-sized laser model.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that CO2 laser is one of the best alternatives to surgical rejuvenation!