Device of the pressure therapy S 170 D

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Thepressuretherapy is an innovative method of fight against excess weight, cellulitis, varicosity and other shortcomings of a figure. Besides, such procedures are necessary to kill pain after physical activities, to remove hypostases, to promote fast rehabilitation after operation, to strengthen an intestines motility, and they contribute to the overall tone of the whole body. Buttheir effect depends on quality of the used equipment directly.The effect from one procedure can be equal to 10-15 sessions of manual massage.After qualitative pressuretherapy the client feels like the holidaymaker, full of strength. This device has the special control unit, sixteen-channel suit and pressure-blanket. It is important, that infrared radiation has neither ultra-violet, nor x-ray harmful effects.In fact, this is a deep warming up of fabrics. Besides, the device is certified in Ukraine.

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