Micro-needling treatment is very popular for face and body skin. This procedure is non-surgical and micro-invasive, suitable for all skin types and has an easy price. Furthermore, it is possible to do micro-needling on your own, buying the only tool called the Dermal Roller. Before each treatment it is necessary to sterilize the roller in an autoclave or with 70% alcohol solution, it depends on the type of micro-needles on the roller.
The dermal body roller has a reusable handle and a double removable head. It is possible to autoclave at 120. With this roller the micro-needling treatment will be very effective on the whole surface of the body. It is not recommended to use it for face and neck, because there are two heads and covers the larger skin surfaces in less time. There are some types of DTS Roller Dermal micro needles per body, from 0.5mm to 2.00mm in length. For this, before the purchase it is necessary to choose and indicate the necessary measures.
The micro-needling treatment with this roller is practical and painless which allows to stimulate the production of elastin and collagen at the dermal level. In this way the cells are stimulated and consequently produce the new cells. Thus the micro-needling treatment with dermal roller helps to decrease cellulite, after the cycle of treatments it is also possible to eliminate them. Roller applications are also very effective for skin rejuvenation, deep wrinkles and stretch marks. The dermal body roller improves the penetration of the active substances of serums and creams, strengthening the skin and improving its appearance.