The pressure therapy treatment with the Gima DL2002D basic device will be effective and pleasant. This appliance can be used both at home in hospitals or beauty centers for drainage, massage and improvement of blood and lymphatic circulation.
The Gima Doctor Life 2002D device is composed of air chambers and an air compressor, thus offering a compression massage for legs and arms. This system has 3 compression modes. Doctor Life2002D was designed to help patients recover from disease and improve the metabolism process and blood and lymphatic circulation.
There are main medical indications:
Lymphatic edema
Deep vein thrombosis
Varicose veins and venosclerosis
Limb thrombosis
Post-trauma and post-mastectomy
With regard to the indications for home use, they are such: cellulite, melting of fat, diseases caused by poor blood circulation, cold in the feet or hands, trauma from the gym, treatment of stress and insomnia.
Gima Doctor Life 2002D is supplied with 2 leggings (the dimensions are 98x38cm) with 4 cable chambers, 1 single tube and 1 double tube and cable.
Technical features:
Power supply: 220V
Pressure sensor
Digital timer: 10-20-30-40 min
Digital pressure gauge: 10-180mmHg
Dimensions: 19x25x21 cm
Weight: 3kg
2 4-chamber leggings
Doctor Life pressotherapy machine
Universal quick connect cable