The pressure therapy device for professional use and the treatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), improvement of blood circulation. Deep vein thrombosis causes a blood thrombus to form in the body's deep veins, usually in the lower limbs. This disease is very unpleasant and has many risks. The main cause is incorrect blood circulation which can appear due to various factors, such as: hereditary diseases of the circulation or surgery, overweight, previous venous thrombosis and others.
This device possesses the new technology which allows to inflate the compression chambers using different pressures and inflation speeds to increase the speed of venous flow. Thus it becomes possible to treat thrombosis and other complications related to a slowing of blood circulation. It is possible to set the speed of air flow in the 6-level chambers and choose the time interval for inflating the area chambers from 8 intervals.
With I-Tech DVT 7700 it is possible to choose the preset program (there are 3) or customize the treatment using specific therapeutic needs (there are 7 free programs). It is also possible to treat both legs or feet simultaneously or treat as a single.
Technical features:
Power supply: 85-240 V, 50/60 Hz
Adjustable pressure: 30-60 mmHg; 110-140 mmHg
Treatment time from 0 to 99 min
Dimensions: 19.8 x 7.7 x 26.4 cm
CE1023 certified medical device