Neodymium lasers: universal systems for cosmetologists

Neodymium lasers: universal systems for cosmetologists

Any cosmetologist will be happy with a universal device, because it simplifies the work and at the same time increases its efficiency. This is exactly what a neodymium laser is. To find out what benefits it can bring to your business, read our article today.

Neodymium lasers: features of work

Neodymium lasers generate a wavelength in the 1064 nm range. The main advantage of such long-wavelength radiation is that it penetrates the skin to a depth of 8 mm, which other types of lasers cannot. Due to this feature, a neodymium laser is capable of something that is not available to other lasers:

Only with the help of a neodymium laser can epilation be carried out on dark and tanned skin, since the wavelength of 1064 nm does not target the pigment inside the follicle, but its vessels, causing their coagulation. When the nutrition of the hair follicle stops, it dies off, after which hair growth stops on the treated area.

This is the best laser for tattoo removal and permanent makeup. Neodymium radiation is suitable for removing most tattoo colors, which other lasers cannot.

Since 1064nm radiation causes vascular coagulation and produces a strong thermal effect, it can be used to treat vascular lesions and perform skin rejuvenation.

Although neodymium lasers are aggressive on problem areas, they leave healthy skin intact.

Indications for use

In addition to the above possibilities, neodymium can be used for a number of other procedures:

removal of benign neoplasms;

lightening pigmented areas;

acne treatment and smoothing scars after it;

reduction in the severity of stretch marks and scars;

increase in firmness and elasticity of the skin;

nail fungus treatment.

You can also buy a neodymium laser with additional maniples that generate wavelengths of 532 nm and 1320 nm, as presented on this page.

The first is used when removing certain tattoo pigments and pigmentation, and the second is for carbon peeling. This makes neodymium a universal device for a cosmetologist.

Pros and cons of neodymium lasers

Despite all the advantages, each cosmetic device has its drawbacks. Let's study both of them. The advantages of neodymium lasers are:

Versatility. With one device, you can solve most skin problems.

Hygiene. Since neodymium has removable handles, they are easy to clean after each patient and maintain a good level of hygiene.

Safety. There is no risk of burns or pigmentation changes due to the reliability of the radiation. Problems can only arise if the specialist has chosen the wrong settings for the job.

The disadvantages include:

Because neodymium radiation is long wavelength, it can cause more pain. But a high-quality cooling system minimizes these shortcomings.

The result can be assessed only after several procedures, which is a clear minus for the impatient.

The pros outweigh the cons, isn't that what matters?