Massage oil with grape seeds and chamomile SKIN SYSTEM (ITALY)
Massage oil Skin System made in Italy from grape seeds, with the greatest wealth of a composition, which has a very strong anti-aging effect. It is proved by numerous studies, that the components contained in grape seeds not only rejuvenate, but also prolong life. This effect is achieved by such ingredients: vitamins C and E, minerals, copper, selenium, zinc. In addition, this oil a yellow-green color has an antioxidant property. Therefore, its use as a massage oil enriches the skin, and its components penetrate through the skin into the capillary circulatory system. As a result, a lower percentage of cholesterol prevents the development of hypertension, which exerts a therapeutic effect on the cardiovascular and immune systems. In addition, oil contains herbal extract of chamomile. A therapeutic effect of chamomile is proved by centuries of its use as a mean of disinfection and nutrition for the skin.